
Monday, June 7, 2010

Playing with Bleach

I had seen this technique when I watched the demonstrators dvd when I first joined up with Stampin' Up! and have been curious to give it a try ever since. Basically you use bleach (yep the stuff from under the kitchen sink) to strip the colour from your card stock. Here is an example of how I did this on the All A Flutter stamp after embossing with gold. I was really pleased with the result as it just lifted enough colour to highlight parts of the butterfly wings. The base card stock was More Mustard with a Chocolate Chip layer, I also used the Fresh Cuts stamp set for the background and some added paper piercing on the card along with very vanilla grosgrain ribbon.

I was really pleased with the result. Now I have one Aqua Painter that is just for bleach (carefully labeled as such) so I can use this technique more often. It may be an option also for when we lose our pretty light purple colours - a spritz of bleach may take just enough colour out of the darker purple to give the effect you are after.

I would suggest doing a test on a scrap piece of card stock (preferably an off cut of the one you are using as I found some variance of colour even on different sheets of More Mustard)

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