
Sunday, August 29, 2010

CASE from 2010-11 Idea Book & Catalogue Part 4

Page 74 of the new IB&C provided lots of inspiration, not only for the cards featured in Part 1 and 2 of this series, but also for this one. I made some changes to the colours in this card from the original, and because I don't have any buttons yet, I substituted some I made with my Big Shot die "Buttons #5". I covered them in Crystal Effects to make them more like real buttons.

This stamp set, Printed Petals, was one of the sets that demonstrators who went to convention were given. While I was not lucky enough to attend convention this year I have met a lovely lady, Cathy, who let me have a play with her stamps. She also lent me her For You Flower featured yesterday and the matching punch. This card features some of the Wild Wasabi that my lovely upline Kasey sent me. Wild Wasabi was a previous In-Colour that is returning, and Kasey had some on hand so sent me a sample. It seemed just right for this card. The base of the card is Rose Red, and the stamped flowers are in More Mustard, Perfect Plum, and Tangerine Tango.

1 comment:

  1. A very lovely card Mon - gotta love our cattie for inspiration =0)


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