
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Challenge Time Again - Friday Mashup 2

My lovely upline Kasey, is a guest designer on The Friday Mashup, so I just had to play along, and boy do I think I have out done myself this time.  I looked at the colours and wondered what I could do with them, then decided I should use my Strength and Hope stamp set.  A few days ago I was talking to my stamping friend Vicki who suggested a way of cutting up A4 cardstock to get 6 small gift cards from it, and so wanted to give that a go too, so in the spirit of Mashups ... I made a tiny card (7cm x 7cm).

I love the colours actually, and the size of the card. I stamped the words on the Crumb Cake cardstock as a background and then cut the butterfly and adhered with dimensionals to give it some lift. To add a bit of the blue, I added some beautiful Marina Mist taffeta ribbon. The sentiment is from the Tiny Tags stamp set and I cut it out using the word window cut once, and the cut again to form a smaller window.

There was then no reason not to continue ... so I made 2 more cards! The first one I did some masking, initially covering the centre of the card with a circle of post-it note while stamping the words, then used the other part of the post it to protect the words while I sponged the centre circle and spritzed with Champagne Shimmer Mist, you can just see the shimmer.

This is the next one I made, I wanted to try one without the ribbon and with a bit more layering of cardstock.  Marina Mist is such a beautiful blue colour, I just love it.  You can see that I have tied a piece of Linen Thread around the butterfly and left the ends as the antenna of the butterfly (no matter how hard I try I just can't cut out the stamped ones).  The butterfly is raised on dimensionals.

Now, what is a set of cards without a cute little box to keep them in?  So I made a Pizza Box just the right size (7.5cm x 7.5cm), and decorated it to match the cards.  I wanted to bring out more of the blue so made the box base out of Marina Mist.  The other thing I did with this one was to stamp the butterfly in Cajun Craze straight onto Marina Mist cardstock, and then a little piece of ribbon to finish it off.

By this stage the creativity was really flowing so I decided to make one more card, and my little challenge here was to fit the Friday Mashup sketch onto such a small square card.  What do you think?  I was so pleased with this one, I used a technique Kasey taught me to put the scallop edging around the Hope stamp.  You can check it out HERE.

Here is the whole set, all finished up and ready to go.

Happy Stamping


  1. Wowza Monique! You did a great job with the colours and how did you make that scallop around the circle in the last card! Kasey is a genius!!! Love it! So happy you joined us this week at the Friday Mashup!

  2. Monique, These are just stunning! I'm so happy to see you back posting again after your break. Love, Love, LOVE what you've done with the Friday Mashup colours and sketch. I have this set on my wish list and I think the time to order is drawing closer! Cheers my friend, sensational work on this challenge. Kasey ~ in Oz

  3. These are gorgeous Monique... What a great idea to make them into a gift set. Love that butterfly in that set. You did a fab job with the colors. Thanks for joining The Mashup!

  4. What a FABULOUS set of cards! Love how you used this new stamp set. Thanks for playing along with the Friday Mashup!


    That is the link to Kasey's tutorial on doing the scallops around a circle - or in her case an oval.

    Thank you all for your lovely comments.

  6. Love your cards, Monique!! You've done a wonderful job with the colors (now I HAVE to get that set!) Thanks so much for playing with us at the Friday Mashup!!

  7. Not sure that genius is the right descriptive term! But thank you Lesley for the compliment. You deserve all the accolades you get Mon, YOUR work is inspirational to me as well you know. Cheers, Kasey.

  8. Wow, so many awesome creations!!!! I love them all.

  9. WOW!! I love this stamp set and boy did you do a fantastic job on the cards and the box! Truly stunning work!! Thank you so much for joining us at The Friday Mashup!!


I love reading your comments, thanks for taking the time to write them.