
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baby Card

My second sketch inspired card was inspired by my favourite challenge site Friday Mash Up but I only used the stitching part of the challenge as in Australia we are headed toward the end of the school year!  The colour came from Just Add Ink which was White and one other colour, and finally the sketch came from Utah Divas Saturday Sketch.
I made this card for a friend who has recently had a beautiful baby girl, and I knew when I got my hands on the new Stocking Punch that is going to be available for Australia and New Zealand customers from 1st October.  One of the benefits of being a demonstrator for Stampin' Up! is that you get sneak peeks, and pre-order for promotions, how good is that! While the traditional use for the punch is for Christmas, I have turned it into a pair of pretty pink booties. 

The idea for the Modern Label Punch came from Donna over at Butternut Sage Designs, isn't it cool! The mechanism of the punch is to cut from the outside so you just have to punch carefully and stop after it has cut only part of the shape.  Then slide a strip of ribbon under and there you have it, a cute little accent for your card. 

Happy Stamping


  1. Mon, this is stunning. Love the use of the punch as baby booties, very creative. Nice entry for all three challengs, thanks for playing with us at the Friday Mashup.
    Kasey ~ in Oz

  2. A very sweet card Monique and a great way to use the stocking punch too.
    Glad you could play along at Just Add Ink.

  3. fantastic idea, love how you made it a baby card very clever.

  4. This is so cute! I love LOVE the 'Modern Label Punch' technique...what a cool feature! :)

  5. Oh my goodness! I need to case this for my card club! What a fabulous idea! Love it!!! Thanks for joining us at the Friday Mashup Monique!!!
    Hugs to you!!!

  6. Ah, now see, I didn't know it was the END of the school year in Australia. Learn something new... Well, I love the stitching on the baby socks! Thanks for playing at the Mashup this week.

  7. Great idea to use the stocking punch to make baby socks! I love how you incorporated the stitching also.

    Thanks so much for joining us at The Friday Mashup!

  8. What a fantastic idea for both punches! Love the baby booties/socks and the ribbon with the designer label punch great idea! Thanks for playing at Just Add Ink.

  9. What a sweet baby card. great stitching around the square and on the socks. Thanks for playing at the Friday Mashup.
    Cindy GD

  10. Very cute Monique. Great idea to use the stockings as booties. Thanks for playing along at JAI this week.

  11. Super cute Monique! Thanks so much for playing along with us at JAI this week

  12. What a great idea to make that punch into Baby Booties.. That is definitely a versatile punch. That trick you did with the Modern label punch is very cool.. I need to try that. Thanks for joining us at the Friday Mashup this week.. Always great to see what you create each week.

  13. This is so inspiring - to create baby booties! Awesome idea. Thanks for joining the Friday Mashup this week.

  14. Two things ...
    1. I hadn't noticed the potential for the Christmas stockings to be baby stockings!!!
    2. I missed this little tag technique on Donna's blog!!!
    So ... thanks for sharing both ideas! Hugs xxaxx


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