
Monday, February 13, 2012

A Blog Award ...

I got a lovely surprise the other day when my good friend Kasey at Kasey's Craft Corner nominated my blog for a Liebster Award!  I happily do my blogging and sharing of my creations and I always get a buzz when the creations are recognised by others, whether it is a comment at the end of a post, or in this case an actual Blog Award.

I would in turn like to pass the award to five ladies who inspire me on a regular basis, in no particular order they are ... 

Shirley at Stamping Elephants - I love Shirley's work, it is usually bright and cheerful, she often uses bright colours that I find a challenge to use.  I was lucky enough to meet Shirley at Convention last year, and stayed with her just a couple of weeks ago.

Tina at Scissors Paper Card - Tina has a 'can do' attitude and nothing seems to get her down.  She inspires me with all of her creations - I think it might just be her scrapbook pages that will one day get me scrapping again!

Deb Fearns - Deb is a fellow demonstrator here in Canberra, and while I don't see her in person I love following her blog, and am hoping we might catch up at Convention this year.  I love the way Deb adds the extra details to a card, she has a real knack for making a simple card extra special with a piece of ribbon or twine, brad or hand cut embellishment.

Paula at Stampinantics - Paula has a simple elegance to her creations that I find really beautiful.  I also love the way she decorates the inside of her cards, not overstated but in a softly complimentary way.  I also got to meet Paula at Convention last year which was great.

Ann at A Perfect Day For ... - Ann is another Canberra demonstrator who I met for the first time last year at Convention.  She is so friendly and such a genuine person.  Ann does beautiful work, whether it is on a card or scrapbook page, her attention to detail is something that inspires me. 

I would ask that each of these lovely ladies pass the award on to five creative blogs that inspire them, or that they feel deserve a special mention.  Ideally this award is for the lesser known bloggers, with less than 200 followers, it is funny because I didn't think any of my recipients would have less than 200 but all of them do!  Please visit them and let them know how much you too enjoy their work.

Happy Stamping


  1. Hi Monique. Thank you so much for the honour of the Liebster Blog Award. This is the first blog award I've ever been given and it is a big thrill. Even better it sent me to your blog which I am now following with interest. A big hug for you,

  2. Hi Monique, thanks for the blog award. One day I will manage to pass the blog award on! Cheers Deb


I love reading your comments, thanks for taking the time to write them.