
Friday, March 16, 2012

Adding something extra

Just a little post today, I think my mojo has gone for a little vacation on me, so I thought I would pop up a post with something that I have been meaning to share.  Those of you who visit my blog on a semi regular basis might remember the Paper Lovin' Gals challenge from a couple of weeks ago and I made a purple scallop easel card, if not here is the card I made...

 While I did like the card I was thinking it needed something else. I was just saying this morning to my lovely friend Shirley McAvoy that I struggle with leaving open spaces on my cards (having forgotten about this one lol).  I decided I needed to set it aside for a while and wait for inspiration to hit, and that is exactly what happened when I came across some mini calendars I had in one of my many draws of bits!

It took a little shuffling of some of the brads and pearls, and I might have done the buttons slightly differently had I set out to make a calendar, but overall I was pretty pleased with the end result.  My daughter was certainly pleased too when I told her she could have it for her desk - like me she loves purple. What do you think? An improvement?

I have a few more 'random' bits and pieces to post up so until my mojo comes back I will post a few of those up for you to see. Some of my favourite things are some lovely cards and gifts from my ESAD Secret Sister, and later in the month I will share some of the lovely cards that are coming in from the ESAD Birthday Fairies - I haven't peeked yet even though I want to, my daughter is taking custody of the cards until my birthday at the end of the month!

Happy Stamping

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