
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sharing the Love

I would like to thank two lovely ladies for giving me a Leibster Blog award.  Genelle and Kylie both recently (or semi recently) chose my blog as one that inspires them.  A Leibster Award is a "share the love" arrangement, given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers.  As part of receiving this award I have to name 5 blogs that inspire me and that I would like to share the award with, that is all part of share the love!  So without further ado let me introduce you to Kasey, Alison, Sharon, Andrea and ... Andrea!

Kasey @ Paisley Wings & Crafty Things
I 'blame' Kasey for my current paper-craft addiction, I was on the wagon until she showed me the wonderful products Stampin' Up! have to offer and I immediately fell off said wagon and joined up.  Along with the somewhat reduced bank balance I have a lot more life balance, and as I tell my hubby - I would spend way more on psycho-therapy than I do on paper-therapy!

Alison @ Gothdove Designs
I often visit Alison's blog, and see her wonderful creativity on some on-line groups I belong to but it wasn't until I went to find her blog that I realised I wasn't a follower!!!  Not sure how this happened but I have fixed that problem.  Alison has such a lovely style, both in her cards and in personality (if reading her posts are anything to go by). I hope one day we get to meet in person.

Sharon @ Shari-Anne Happy Crafter
Don't you just love Sharon's blog name?  Sharon and I met on-line after she left a comment on my blog.  I sent her an email reply and discovered she lives in the area of England where my mum grew up.  So lovely getting to know someone from so far away that has, even if only a small one, a geographical connection.  

Andrea @ EnchantINK
Andrea is a beautiful lady with beautiful creations!  I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Andrea in person but I have it on good authority that she is a lovely lady.  I have followed her blog for ages and just love her creativity and sense of style.  Thanks for the continual inspiration and the lovely comments you leave on my blog.

Andrea @ Creating Cards With Andrea
My second Andrea I have met in persona and she is such a lovely lady, so sad she won't be coming over to Convention this year :(   I love the styling on Andrea's cards, such simple elegance.

Thank you all for the inspiration you provide me.

To my blog visitors - please take the time to pop on over and visit these ladies and see their wonderful creations, if you can, leave a little message here and there to let them know you have visited; and if you like their work as much as I do then follow their blogs so you can keep up to date with their creations.

Happy Stamping


  1. Monique, I'm soooo sorry. How could I have been so cruel as to make you fall off your wagon! I'm sure your hubby shudders when you mention my name! LOL Seriously, I know what you mean by needing balance, to be creative, to take some Me time out and be peaceful while you play with paper and ink!

    Thank you for this award. Gee I think I've even given it to you once or twice!


    1. I think you might just have done so Kasey, about time I returned the favour!

  2. Thank you so much Monique!! What a beautiful award to receive and thank you for your very kind words about my blog!! Love your work too!! Wishing you good stampin' karma!!! xxxxx

    1. You are most welcome Alison, and thank you. It is always nice to have good karma :)

  3. Thanks so much Moni! I am so flattered and touched ... and your beautiful comments made me blush! I love popping by your blog ... just wish life was a little less busy ... and I could do it more often! Hugs xxx
    PS Will post asap! Ta! xxx

    1. Andrea, you were one of my first inspirations when I joined SU and started crafting again. You continue to remain an inspiration and I check all your posts, even though I don't get time to comment nearly as often as I would like.


I love reading your comments, thanks for taking the time to write them.