
Friday, September 14, 2012

Festive Friday

I am happy to be joining the Festive Friday Design Team, this week is my first project as a team member although I have joined in from time to time in the past.  This week we have an inspirational photo for you, isn't it great?  The best part about an inspirational photo challenge is that you can take any element from the photo as inspiration for your card, it could be the colour, shapes, theme, whatever catches your eye.

The first thing that caught my eye was the colours, the deep rich red that reminded me of Cherry Cobbler.  When I looked closer at the picture I noticed the baby's breath on the table and it made me think of snowflakes and from there just knew the sheet from Be of Good Cheer DSP would be perfect.  I then picked up some of the green from the plates, and while I appreciate the rather healthy looking food prepared for this Christmas feast I wanted to go a bit more naughty and so chose cute little gingerbread men.

I hope this has helped to inspire you to join in the challenge this week, if you need a bit more inspiration pop over to the Festive Friday blog and see what the other talented design team members have come up with this week.  

Remember every Christmas card made now is one less to rush to make later in the year!

Happy Stamping

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Way to go Mon! Congratulations on your first DT card for Festive Friday.

    Fabulous as always!

    Kasey ~ in Oz


I love reading your comments, thanks for taking the time to write them.