
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Birthdays ... Take 2

The next project I wanted to share was something I made for my friend Pete.  Pete and I were on the same Orientation training for work 8 years ago, and just seemed to hit it off.  We liked the same types of movies, books, and later discovered a shared love of cooking.  Pete is the only person I will let into my kitchen while I cook, everyone else gets kicked out, I think it's because he doesn't get underfoot.  Anyway I digress, the other thing that Pete and I share is a birthday (not quite the same year lol)!  I wanted to make him something a bit special so did a bit of blog surfing and got my inspiration from a card made by Carie Nixon, I did some changing of colours to be a bit more "manly" but kept the sketch pretty much the same.

I then wanted to make a little card for the bottle of wine I was giving Pete as a birthday gift, and wanted it to match the card as closely as I could, given the smaller space.  I was really happy with the way that it turned out. I just love the 2-Step Owl Punch, he is just so versatile, here I have added some googley eyes, and some pearls as buttons on his vest.  The wine bottle topper was inspired by a creation on my friend Jenny's blog that she had made for Father's Day last year.

The scallop squares were done using the SAB Punch Bunch and you can see here how I highlighted the HB with my version of Kindy Glitz - Crystal Effects mixed with Dazzling Diamonds.  I love my little bottle of this stuff, I can choose how much Dazzling Diamonds to add AND it's not quite as messy as it gets when I sprinkle the DD onto the card after the crystal effects.

Happy Stamping


  1. Woo hoo! love it! Great idea to use the owl for a man's card and bottle thingy - I always need 'man' ideas!

  2. Thanks to you Jenny for the original idea for the wine thingy - and I love that is what you call it too!!!


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