
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Birthdays ... Take 3

Now it's all about my birthday.  What a great day I had my wonderful sister-in-law, Gillian, had sent me a parcel early and she had included a packet of pancake mix from the Pancake Parlor.  We had all gone there together and she wanted to refresh those memories on my birthday, we live so far apart and it was special to have her there on my birthday, even if only in pancakes!!!  My lovely daughter made the pancake mix up before bed the night before knowing we would be in a rush before work/school on my actual birthday, and my darling husband cooked them up while we chatted and I opened my gifts and cards.

I wanted to share with you two of the birthday gifts I received from my stamping friends.  The first one is from Kasey, my long time friend and upline.  She was lucky enough to get to come back to Canberra for a work conference and so we had a catch up earlier in the month.  While here she gave me this cute little box and card that she had made just for me.  When I opened up the box it was full (and I mean chockers full) of Stampin' Up! ribbons.  As I type this I have just moved my ribbon box closer, because I realise I don't use ribbon enough on cards and I do love the wonderful variety of the Stampin' Up! ribbons.  I fell in love with Rich Razzleberry when it was released last year, and although I haven't been using it as much of late it remains a firm favourite.  Thank you so much Kasey for you warm wishes, lovely gift and continued inspiration.

The second gift I wanted to share came from my friend Steph (the one I sent the little candle cake to).  There was a happy mail box on my front doorstep when I was racing to work on the day after my birthday, so I picked it up and took it with me.  Darling Daughter started to pull off the sticky tape on the way to the bus stop, and I finished it off at my desk at work.  The best part about this was that it got to sit on my desk all day and remind me how lucky I was to have such nice friends!  I love the colours of this one, and the designer series paper, a couple of the ladies at work commented how it matched my tissue box desk set! 

I also love the speckled look on the flower on the card, so much so that I have now ordered the Colour Spritzer Tool!  The star box was filled with Licorice Toffees and little bars of chocolate!  I also love the punch used on this card, thank goodness it is in the latest Mini Catalogue, it looks great layered with the other two punches to highlight the sentiments on the box and card.  Thank you so much Steph.

Happy Stamping

1 comment:

  1. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y to you, Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthdaaay dear Monique........HAAAPPPY BIIIRRRTHDAY tooooooo Youuuuu.

    Hope it was wonderful, my apologies for not calling on the day, moving house distracted me, but we did celebrate early.

    Lovely pressies by the way.


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