
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Looking for Mojo in a CASE

When my "Mojo" is a hiding from me I often go looking around cyber space for inspiration, and then CASE (copy and share everything) ideas for cards that I find there.  Not often do I copy a card "word for word" if you know what I mean, but when I found this one I just had to recreate it almost identically.  I can't remember how I ended up on Michele's blog, Parchment Paperie,  but what a find!!! I was blown away by the Fan-Fold Medallion card she had made and just had to make one myself.  Luckily for me Michele had written a great little tutorial on how to do it including pictures!

Like Michele I used the Elegant Soiree designer series paper, now a firm favourite as you can probably tell from my recent creations.  I used a different sheet of the paper for the main part of the card but kept to the stripey pattern for the fan, because I agree with Michele, the stripes just add a certain something.

As you can see in the close up of this fan the ribbon trim really sets it off.  The hearts are made using the Scalloped Heart of Hearts Embosslit Die, and for these ones I put the coloured cardstock through the bigshot and then used the Full Heart Punch to make a smaller heart that fits perfectly inside the scalloped one. 

Thank you Michele for your inspiration, I loved making this and will be making a few more I think, trying out different papers and ribbon combos.

Happy Stamping


  1. Monique, this is stunning, I can see why you cased it. Beautiful work Michelle/Monique!


  2. Great card Monique, might CASE this one too.


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