
Sunday, October 2, 2016

CTC #98 - Warmth & Cheer

 Welcome to a new CTC blog hop, this week we are taking inspiration from the Warmth & Cheer section of the catalogue, pages 12 - 17.

I was taken by one of the cards on page 12, the landscape one on the right.  I can't really pin-point what it is that took my attention, maybe that the main panel is asymmetrical. 

I decided against going with a Christmas theme, and chose the Scenic Sayings stamp set instead.  I think this is a super cute card that would be nice to give as a "just because" card.

I was playing around with the DSP and decided to make a second card using the pinks and really like how it turned out.  I can't pick a favourite, I like them both for different reasons

 If you would like to join in this week, add your photo to the main blog link above.

Time to hop on over to Rachel's blog and check out her project inspired by the Warmth & Cheer section of the Holiday Catalogue.

Happy Stamping


  1. This card looks fabulous "de-Christmassed". Lovely colour choices.

  2. Ooohh. I love your card and this layout is perfect for the DSP promotion this month. Thankyou for your beautiful case.

  3. I love how you have made two totally different cards to the one you were CASEing, great inspiration!

  4. These are striking cards Monique, and what a fabulous way to promote the DSP promotion this month!

  5. Great cards Monique - funny that design caught my eye too! I love the Lost Lagoon! And that sentiment is great

  6. Love your cards, Monique. I hadn't really noticed that card in the catty, but it is a great layout. Both colours are fabulous.

  7. Monique - this was my original choice of cards to CASE this week as like you I was drawn to its asymmetry. I didn't - but I'm so pleased you chose it to CASE - your cards are gorgeous! Those DSPs look stunning!

  8. Great use of the designer series paper and you don't always need to create a Holiday themed card from the inspiration of the catalogue.

  9. Great choice of layout Monique - your non-Christmas versions look amazing! I struggle with cardstock on an angle - you make it look so easy! Kelly x

  10. Ohhhh so cool! I have never really looked hard at this catty image before because the colours aren't my thing but now I can actually see the sketch for what it is, beautiful! Well done Monique, goal achieved!! Your cards are gorgeous, love the colours & gold twine!


I love reading your comments, thanks for taking the time to write them.