
Sunday, October 9, 2016

CTC #99 - Holiday Tags

Welcome to another week at CASEing the Catty, this week we are taking inspiration from the tags in the Holiday catalogue.  There is such a range of tags in this catty so there is much to be inspired by.

I chose the Tin of Tags which caught my eye when I first looked through the catalogue.  I purchased the stamp set for myself, and the kit for my daughter who also fell in love with it.

I wanted to see how I could re-create the tags using products not from the kit. As I was working on them I started to veer away from the original designs and am really happy with how they turned out.

Here is a closer look at the tags:
I used the circle stamp from Perfectly Wrapped for the border on the oval tag. I just love that with photopolymer stamps you can change the shape of stamps to meet your needs.

I used water colour paper for the tags and they gave the perfect  effect for the background, I did try whisper white but it didn't give the right look.

These final two tags made use of the lovely trio of bakers twine, I used it to make the tassels on the tags in this set.

I hope you are inspired to join us this week, I know I can't wait to get my presents bought and wrapped so I can pop these tags on them.  If you would like to join in this week, just add a picture to the link above.

Time to hop on over to Jackie's blog and see what she been inspired to create this week.

Happy Stamping


  1. What a lovely collection of bright tags! Your hand made tassels look great, I must attempt this! Great use of the bakers twine trio.

  2. That is one of my favourite stamp sets from the Holiday catalogue & I love how you've created your own version of the tags. More great inspiration, thanks Monique!

  3. They do look lovely made with the watercolour paper, thanks for the inspiration to try a few different designs

  4. Oh I'm so glad you made the tags just with the stamp set - it looks fabulous!! All those greeting in this set are just great! And the watercolouring is totally gorgeous too.

  5. A great CASE, Monique! I agree Tin of Tags is a great stamp set by itself.

  6. I have this stamp set & kit too, but I really think your version is bolder & brighter! Great work Monique.


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